2021. 5. 13.
Privacy Policy
file:///Users/jein_mac/Desktop/Privacy Policy.html
('http://magconn.synology.me/' hereinafter'SPS Co., Ltd.') protects the personal information of government entities in
accordance with Article 30 of the 「Personal Information Protection Act」 and promptly and smoothly In order to be able to
process it, we establish and disclose the personal information processing policy as follows.
○ This privacy policy will be applied from May 1, 2021.
Article 1 (Purpose of processing personal information)
('http://magconn.synology.me/' hereinafter'SPS') processes personal information for the following purposes. The personal
information being processed is not used for purposes other than the following purposes, and if the purpose of use changes, we
will take necessary measures such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the 「Personal Information
Protection Act」.
We do not collect any personal information from users.
Article 2 (Processing and Retention Period
of Personal Information ) • We do not collect any personal information from users.
Article 3 (rights and duties of information subject and legal representative, and how to exercise them)
① The information subject can exercise the right to SPS at any time, such as accessing, correcting, deleting, and requesting
suspension of processing of personal information.
② Exercising rights pursuant to Paragraph 1 can be done in writing, e-mail, fax, etc. in accordance with Article 41
Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the 「Personal Information Protection Act」 for SPS, and SPS will respond without
delay. I will take action.
③ The exercise of rights pursuant to Paragraph 1 may be made through the legal representative of the information subject or
through an agent such as a person who has been delegated. In this case, form No. 11 of the “Notice on the Personal
Information Processing Method (No. 2020-7)” You must submit a power of attorney according to
④ The rights of the information subject may be restricted according to Article 35 (4) and Article 37 (2) of the 「Personal
Information Protection Act」 in the request to view and stop processing personal information.
⑤ Request for correction and deletion of personal information cannot be requested if the personal information is specified as the
object of collection in other laws.
⑥ SPS verifies whether the person who made the request for access according to the rights of the information subject, request
for correction or deletion, or request for access to the request for suspension of processing is the person or a legitimate agent.
Article 4 (Preparation of items
of personal information to be processed ) ① is processing the following personal information items.
1< Homepage membership registration and management>
Required items: We do not collect personal information.
Optional items:
Article 5 (destruction of personal information)
① When personal information becomes unnecessary, such as the expiration of the personal information retention period or
achievement of the purpose of processing, the personal information will be destroyed without delay.
② When the personal information retention period agreed by the data subject has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been
achieved, if personal information must be kept in accordance with other laws and regulations, the personal information may be
moved to a separate database (DB) or the storage location. Preserved otherwise.
1. Legal basis:
2. Items of personal information to be preserved: Account information, transaction date
③ Procedures and methods of personal information destruction are as follows.
1. Destruction procedure
selects the personal information in which the reason for destruction occurs, and destroys the personal information with the
approval of the person in charge of personal information protection at.
2021. 5. 13.
Privacy Policy
file:///Users/jein_mac/Desktop/Privacy Policy.html
2. Destruction method
Article 6 (Measures to ensure the safety of personal information)
is taking the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information.
1. Minimization and training
of employees handling personal information We are implementing measures to manage personal information by designating
employees who handle personal information and minimizing it by limiting it to the person in charge.
Article 7 (Installation, Operation, and Refusal of Automatic Personal Information Collection Device)
SPS does not use'cookies' that store the information subject's usage information and retrieve it from time to time.
Article 8 (person in charge of personal information protection)
① SPS is responsible for the handling of personal information and appoints a person in charge of personal information
protection as follows for handling complaints and remedies for damages related to personal information processing.
▶ Personal Information Protection Officer
Name:Jein Kim
Position: Manager
Position: Manager
Contact: 042-936-4095, jein@sps-ltd.com,
② The information subject may contact the person in charge of personal information protection and the department in charge
of all personal information protection related inquiries, complaint handling, damage relief, etc. that occurred while using the
service (or business) of SPS. SPS will respond and handle inquiries from the data subject without delay.
Article 9 (Personal Information Access Request) The
information subject may request access to personal information pursuant to Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection
Act to the following departments.
Will endeavor to expedite the request for access to the personal information of the information subject.
Article 10 (Remedy for Infringement of Rights and Interests)
The information subject may apply for dispute resolution or consultation with the Personal Information Dispute Mediation
Committee or the Korea Internet & Security Agency Personal Information Infringement Report Center to receive relief from
personal information infringement. For other personal information infringement reports and consultations, please contact the
following organizations.
1. Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: (without area code) 1833-6972 (www.kopico.go.kr)
2. Personal Information Infringement Report Center: (without area code) 118 (privacy.kisa.or.kr)
3. Supreme Prosecutors' Office: (without area code) 1301 (www.spo.go.kr)
4. National Police Agency: (without area code) 182 (cyberbureau.police.go.kr)
Responding to requests pursuant to Article 35 (Access to Personal Information), Article 36 (Correction and Deletion of
Personal Information) and Article 37 (Suspension of Personal Information Processing, etc.) of the 「Personal Information
Protection Act」 A person who has been infringed upon his/her rights or interests due to the disposition or omission performed
may request an administrative trial as prescribed by the Administrative Appeals Act.
※ For more information on administrative trials, please refer to the website of the Central Administrative Appeals Committee
Article 11 (change of personal information processing policy)
① This personal information processing policy will be applied from May 1, 2021.